Every Tribe Christmas Offering

Every Tribe Christmas Offering

“Every Tribe Christmas Offering” is an annual offering collected in honor of the Nepali Tibetan missionary Chowan*, who gave his life sacrificially so that the Tibetan monks in the mountains would come to hear the gospel. He died freezing in the mountains because of a lack of equipment, thus, we hope that through this offering, we could help provide for the most urgent needs in the frontline, especially as they serve the unreached.

*Chowan is a pseudonym used to protect their identity as they are serving in more sensitive countries.

Support Scope

People living in extreme poverty, especially families and children lacking basic necessities.

Those displaced by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.

Individuals forced to flee their homes due to war, political upheaval, or violent conflict, urgently needing temporary shelter, medical care, food, and other basic resources.

Praise the Lord! In 2024, through the loving offerings of brothers and sisters, we have been able to help:

5693 families.

Past dedication

We expect to raise $100,000 and are seeking 300 dedications of $340 per unit.

您正捐款給 You are donating to : 少數民族宣教中心

您要捐款的金額? (美金)How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
您想要定期定額捐款? Would you like to make regular donations? 我想要 I would like to make 捐款 donation(s)
您想要捐款的次數 ? How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
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