Direct Bank Transfer, ATM Transfer

Bank:E.SUN Bank 808(Wunsin Branch)
Account name:社團法人中華少數民族宣教中心差傳會
Account no.:0141-940-053492

After Contribution

Please e-mail your name, telephone number, address and last five digits of your account number to [email protected] or mail to 11-2F., No.575, Jinhua Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 40463, Taiwan (R.O.C.) for社團法人中華少數民族宣教中心差傳會(MFCI) so you can receive the receipt. Any further question, please call (04)2235-8286. If the donation is for M2M Missionary Fund or for a specific person, notify us the location or donation items, and after your donation, please call us to confirm so we can send you the receipt.

Postal remittance

(Provide Tax-deductible Receipt)
Account name:社團法人中華少數民族宣教中心差傳會
Remittance account no.:22759271
Write down donator’s name/address/telephone number on the left side of the remittance form. Please fill in the item of donation, as well as any additional information or request, such as the title or heading on receipt. Once the payment transfer is completed, please keep the payment confirmation until obtaining the receipt.

After Contribution

Please e-mail your name, telephone number, address and last five digits of your account number to [email protected] or mail to 11-2F., No.575, Jinhua Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 40463, Taiwan (R.O.C.) for社團法人中華少數民族宣教中心差傳會(MFCI) so you can receive the receipt. Any further question, please call (04)2235-8286. If the donation is for M2M Missionary Fund or for a specific person, notify us the location or donation items, and after your donation, please call us to confirm so we can send you the receipt.

List of Offering

如有相關問題,請洽辦公室連絡電話 (04) 2235-8286