Praise the Lord, through your support and giving, in 2020 till the end of 2021, we were able to help 6824 families.

Even though the pandemic is easing down, but with the variants and the broken economy, families are still struggling. Many are still in dire need.

We would like continue to invite you to join us in helping these families in need, we hope to serve these vulnerable families among the unreached, that they would come to experience the love of God.

2022 Families Helped

Praise the Lord, through your support and giving, in 2020 till the end of 2021, we were able to help 6824 families.

Even though the pandemic is easing down, but with the variants and the broken economy, families are still struggling. Many are still in dire need.

We would like continue to invite you to join us in helping these families in need, we hope to serve these vulnerable families among the unreached, that they would come to experience the love of God.

Relief Map

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Relief Map
