

Distance online education has become a mainstream trend in learning. In this modern age, overcoming geographical limitations and bridging the gaps of national and cultural boundaries, digitalized education has expanded globally. MCCMS is a theological institute without borders, ethnic restrictions, or geographical limitations. It trains dedicated individuals who have a mission and burden for missions, guiding them in cross-cultural mission strategies and equipping them to become missionaries within their own ethnic group, across different ethnic groups, and even across nations. It prepares pioneers who implement cross-cultural missions in various countries, regions, and ethnicities, as ordained by God.

The courses in the institute are taught by frontline missionaries who pass on the passion for missions through successful examples, imparting practical experiences in frontline mission work. The training and discipleship-oriented approach provides practical, adaptable, impactful, and effective mission training. It also allows working brothers and sisters to receive training, offering clear directions and concrete methods for mission fields to overcome cultural limitations and proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ. MCCMS aims to train cross-cultural mission warriors for the global Chinese community and cultivate global Chinese individuals to become missionaries among the unreached peoples.