少數民族宣教中心Minorities For Christ International-簡稱MFCI,主後2005年於美國北卡州成立,並隨即在台灣設立辦公室,是非營利國際性的超宗派宣教差會。因著少數民族有著千百年來不同的文化歷史,因此MFCI主要是由少數民族相關背景的同工所組成的專門宣教差會,如此更能了解少數民族的宣教策略,進而使福音事工更具有果效。

MFCI的事工主要是深入未觸之民及未得之民地區(Unengaged Unreached People Group,簡稱UUPG),是以宣教福音事工為導向。靠著主的恩典,目前我們已在在中國、越南、寮國、柬埔寨、緬甸、印度、尼泊爾等七國邊境地區的未得之民中展開宣教事工。

MFCI, Minorities for Christ International, was registered in 2005 in North Carolina, USA and later established an office in Taiwan. MFCI is a non-profit international cross-denominational mission agency.

Since the culture and history of minorities have varied from place to place over thousands of years, most of the co-workers in MFCI have minority-backgrounds in order to have a deeper understanding of the strategies to reach the minorities, and to be more effective on the gospel missions.

MFCI develops evangelism-oriented ministries, focusing on reaching the UUPG (Unengaged Unreached People Groups). By God’s grace, we have developed evangelistic missions in border areas of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, India and Nepal.