Thank You

Because of your offering, in 2020, we were able to help 3000 families in dire need. Many had hoped that by 2021, the pandemic would have subsided and everything revert to normal. However, the reality is that the pandemic continues and the virus is, in fact, mutating. Many are still left without a job and without food. Furthermore, persecution continues in the midst of the pandemic. Many Christians are denied aid in Muslim and Hindu countries. Moreover, there are still many unreached people groups that are dying of hunger without the saving knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In light of all that, we are compelled to continue this relief program for these families. We ask if you would join us so that this year, we may help at least 5000 families.

Famliies Helped:


Thank You

Because of your offering, in 2020, we were able to help 3000 families in dire need. Many had hoped that by 2021, the pandemic would have subsided and everything revert to normal. However, the reality is that the pandemic continues and the virus is, in fact, mutating. Many are still left without a job and without food. Furthermore, persecution continues in the midst of the pandemic. Many Christians are denied aid in Muslim and Hindu countries. Moreover, there are still many unreached people groups that are dying of hunger without the saving knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In light of all that, we are compelled to continue this relief program for these families. We ask if you would join us so that this year, we may help at least 5000 families.

Famliies Helped:


Relief Map

[display-map id=’14017′]


Relief Map


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