
The Amazon Window is the rectangular area of South America approximately between 5 degrees north of the equator to 40 degrees south of the equator and between 80 and 50 degrees west longitude. It covers 12 countries and 1 independent territory, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, and French Guiana. This area covers the Amazon river, full of tropical rainforests, but more importantly, it houses the tribal people groups who have never had the chance to hear the gospel because very few people can reach those areas.




Even though less than 100 unreached people groups are in the Amazon Window, but they have often been forgotten. Among these people groups, many have never been contacted at all, some exist but are still unknown. These are like the one lost sheep that Jesus left the ninety-nine sheep for.






親愛的宣教夥伴 : 

至今世界各地仍有超過6000個未觸之民等待我們將福音傳給他們,但僅有不到1% 的資源,是運用在未觸之民宣教事工上。也就是說,在那些完全沒有教會的地方,能分配到的資源不到1%。事實上,每年宣教機構或是眾教會,用超過十億的資源差遣許多宣教士進入那些早已有教會的地區、甚至進入一些已經有很多基督徒的國家。



我們深信,這些當地的M2M宣教士,是上帝所差派,為要得著未觸之民的主要使者。因此,少數民族宣教中心所採用的M2M宣教策略,即為少數民族傳福音給少數民族(Minority to Minority)、穆斯林傳福音給穆斯林的策略(Muslim to Muslim)。這些M2M宣教士,不需經歷跨文化宣教士會面臨的語言攔阻、文化隔閡攔阻以及政治因素攔阻,在種種先天優勢的條件下,我們若能幫助他們,他們就能做我們所不能做到的,並且完成我們所無法完成的使命。


我們知道主耶穌基督再來的日子已經近了,雖然那日子我們無法得知,但因為您的加入,使我們可以一起與神同工,並有機會見證詩篇86:9所說的 :「主啊,你所造的萬民都要來敬拜你; 他們也要榮耀你的名。」






Dear Ministry Partners,

There are still around 6000 unreached people groups waiting for us to step out so they too can hear the gospel. Less than 1% of the resources designated for global missions goes to the places where there is no church. In fact, billions of dollars are spent each year to send workers where the church already exists and there are already millions of believers.

It is understandable as many of those unreached places are off limits, whether it be for political reasons, security reasons, or cultural reasons. Many of those places can only be reached by the local believers. These indigenous missionaries are already working in place without any church and yet they have the least amount of mission resources.

That is why we exist, Minorities for Christ International exists for that very purpose, to support the indigenous missionaries to reach those unreached places, to finish the Great Commission, so every nation and tribe will come to glorifying the Lord.

We believe these local native missionaries are a main way the Lord is using to reach those unreached people groups. For that reason, we have focused our strategy on what we call M2M or Minority to Minority or Muslim to Muslim. These missionaries don’t have the language barriers, cultural barriers, and political barriers that we may have, so why not help them instead to do what we cannot do and finish the task that we cannot finish on our own.

Join us and support Minorities for Christ International, every dollar, every coin, goes towards building up the Kingdom of God. Right now we are serving in 10 different countries, reaching over 300 different people groups. With your help, we can support and equip more indigenous missionaries to reach the remaining unreached people groups around the world.

The times are near as we long for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We may not know when that is, but as you join us, we are coworking with our Lord Jesus Christ to bring the vision of Psalm 86:9 to life:  “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.”


Rev. John Chiang

Founder/ President of MFCI